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Get Better Backtests with High Order Fill Resolution in NinjaTrader 8

How can I get better backtests in NinjaTrader 8? One way is to use High Order Fill Resolution. Continue...

Customize Your Chart Background with an Image in NinjaTrader 8

This 2 minute video demonstrates a new feature in version of NinjaTrader, the ability to choose a custom image as the background of any chart. Continue...

Change Indicator Plot Style in NinjaTrader 8

This 8 minute video covers the four appearance categories for lines and plots and how to scale and reposition your indicators in the chart panel. Continue...

Top 10 Benefits of Using Visual Studio with NinjaTrader (Webinar)

I'm pleased to be joining NinjaTrader on December 5th, 2019 to present this free webinar open to all. I hope you'll join me! Continue...

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